Litigation Groups


The Bicycle Litigation Group has a list server and Document Library.

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The bicycle will continue to grow as a legitimate means of transportation as U.S. commuters look for cheaper, more environmentally friendly options. Unfortunately, the number of accidents, injuries, and deaths will also increase as cyclists contend with poorly designed roadways and products, as well as overly aggressive drivers. The Bicycle Litigation Group will focus on issues that directly relate to injured cyclists, including products liability, motor vehicle collisions, roadway design, and government liability. The Group pulls together the specialized subsections of areas of personal injury practice that relate to representation of injured cyclists, including:

Product liability: frames, helmets, wheels
Motor vehicle collisions: the interaction of drivers and cyclists
Roadway design: city streets, highways, road surface hazards
Government liability: cities, counties, agencies, federal government

The purpose of this newly formed group is to create a structured forum for AAJ members to allow a national dialogue as this area of practice grows, increasing the effectiveness of members’ advocacy on behalf of cyclists.

Current Group members range from those who consider themselves “bicycle attorneys” to those who focus on product liability and have just one bicycle defect case. Even if you have just one bicycle case, you still need the resources and expertise of the Bicycle Litigation Group. Join us!

The Bicycle Litigation Group has a list server and document library.
The Bicycle Litigation Group was formed in 2009.

  • Meetings: At the Annual and Winter AAJ Conventions.
  • Membership: Open to Regular, Life, Sustaining, and President's Club AAJ members.
  • Dues: The Litigation Group is complementary to members of the AAJ Motor Vehicle Section who can agree to the terms and conditions of membership in the Litigation Group's Affidavit. If you are not yet a member, you can join the Motor Vehicle Section here.




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