Litigation Groups

Environmental Racism

Join the Environmental Racism Litigation Group

Environmental Racism

Environmental racism is a concept in the environmental justice movement that developed in the United States throughout the 1970s and 1980s. The term is used to describe environmental injustice that occurs within a racialized context both in practice and policy. The Litigation Group assists members with litigation involving environmental racism on behalf of individuals and communities using ordinances, statutes, and common law.

Group History

The Environmental Racism Litigation Group was formed at the 2021 Annual Convention. Members will have access to a Document Library and list server. The group meets at AAJ Annual and Winter conventions and plans to host education programs and meetings throughout the year.


The Litigation Group is complementary to members of the AAJ Environmental and Toxic Torts Section who can agree to the terms and conditions of membership in the Litigation Group's Affidavit. If you are not yet a member, you can join the Environmental and Toxic Torts Section here.


  • Danielle Mason | Singleton Schreiber, LLP, Atlanta, GA
  • Melissa Sims | Milberg Coleman Bryson Philips Grossman PLLC, Garden City, NY
Join the Conversation

Litigation Group members, visit AAJ's Community Center to connect with your colleagues on the list server, search discussion archives, download documents, update your list server settings, and more. Lit Group Member Login