Litigation Groups

Securities and Financial Fraud

Assist trial lawyers in the preparation, arbitration, and trial of both traditional and emerging causes of action stemming from Wall Street abuses. The goals of the Group are to promote the sharing of information and research, arbitration and trial strategies, and evolving expert opinion in the area of securities negligence and Wall Street analyst fraud.

Join the Litigation Group

Securities and Financial Fraud

Claims involving securities negligence and stock market analyst fraud are new, exciting practice areas for many AAJ members. The number of traditional trial attorneys expanding the breadth and scope of their practice into securities litigation is growing at a tremendous rate. Across the country in the past year, established personal injury, commercial litigation, and mass torts firms have actively advertised for, evaluating, and filing securities claims with the NASD, NYSE, AAA and in state and federal court. The landscape of the issues and claims specific to such a practice grows daily with the ever-increasing reports of conduct within the financial services industry giving way to both criminal and civil liability. Most recently, ten of the nation's largest securities firms agreed to pay a record $1.4 billion to settle government charges involving abuse of investors during the stock-market bubble of the late 1990s; however, this settlement was reached between the brokerage houses and NASD, NYSE and SEC, and has accomplished little, if anything, to recoup losses suffered by individual investors. The Securities and Financial Fraud Litigation Group was formed to assist trial lawyers in the preparation, arbitration, and trial of both traditional and emerging causes of action stemming from Wall Street abuses. The goals of the Group are to promote the sharing of information and research, arbitration and trial strategies, and evolving expert opinion in the area of securities negligence and Wall Street analyst fraud.

The Group plans to establish a list server, publish a newsletter, and sponsor regular seminars and conferences on emerging trends and developments in securities and analyst fraud litigation.

  • Meetings: AAJ Annual and Winter Conventions, or as needed by group members.
  • Membership: Open to Regular, Sustaining, Life, and President's Club members.
  • Dues: The Litigation Group is complementary to members of the AAJ Class Action Section and members of the AAJ Business Torts Section who can agree to the terms and conditions of membership in the Litigation Group's Affidavit. If you are not yet a member, you can join the Class Action Section here and the Business Torts Section here


Michael Barry | Grant & Eisenhofer PA, Wilmington, DE

Jeremy Lieberman | Pomerantz Law, New York, NY

Scott Silver | Silver Law Group, Coral Springs, FL

William Young | Colling Gilbert Wright, Orlando, FL

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