
Making Your Mark

Whether you’re starting a firm, up for partner, or fulfilling a personal mission, AAJ is your go-to resource for honing crucial skills and knowledge, building your sphere of influence, and connecting to policy issues that impact you and your firm the most.

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Several years ago I made the decision to become more involved with AAJ. My goal was to take advantage of the leadership and networking opportunities that AAJ provides. I have not been disappointed. As I have given more of my time towards AAJ events, conferences, and litigation groups, I have received in return many rewarding opportunities and been blessed with friendships that will last a lifetime.

David Selby Bailey & Glasser, LLP Birmingham, AL
Invest in Yourself with Advanced Skills Education

AAJ’s premium education offers a mix of seminars, trial advocacy skills colleges, focus group programs, and online programs, covering cutting-edge topics in each field—with new content added regularly—and all taught by the best trial lawyers and experts in the country. Customize your education plan by experience, practice area, or goals.

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Get Involved, Make Your Mark

As an experienced trial lawyer, you’re well aware of the impact of federal legislation and regulations have on your clients' rights. Step up your involvement and increase your impact with AAJ--join a lobby day, submit comments on proposed changes to federal rules, or share your clients' stories with lawmakers.  

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Leadership Opportunities

AAJ Sections, Litigation Groups and Caucuses allow you to connect with trial lawyers who are handling similar cases, fighting for comparable issues, and/or dealing with the same obstacles you face when exploring a new field or starting your own firm. Gain access to strategic advice from AAJ members nationwide and expand your network.

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New Frontiers Need New Connections

AAJ Conventions are always fresh and new, dealing with the latest issues and developments on the trial lawyer landscape. It’s also the best venue for finding your next high-impact professional connection. Hear from the best legal speakers in the country and meet leaders in the field.

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Business with attorney looking ahead and another looking down writing.
Take Yourself to the Next Level

By joining AAJ, you will become part of a dedicated community of trial lawyers fighting for justice. AAJ provides exceptional education, unparalleled advocacy, and a network of trial lawyers across the world. With over 150 members-only communities, you will be connected to other trial lawyers who can help you grow your practice and successfully achieve justice for your clients.

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