Sponsoring and Advertising

AAJ Sponsorship Policy

AAJ Sponsorship Policy

AAJ's sponsors and exhibitors must read, understand, and agree to the AAJ Sponsorship Policy and the Anti-harassment and Safety Policy:

  • AAJ encourages sponsors demonstrate the beneficial contribution trial lawyers make to ensure a civil justice system that protects the rights of individuals. We prefer content that focuses on helping victims and seeking justice.
  • AAJ reserves the right to reject sponsors that refer to large jury awards or settlements; appeals primarily to maximizing damages; or otherwise overemphasizes prices, fees, or other monetary considerations.
  • AAJ will not allow sponsorships that advertise for firearms, tobacco, or alcoholic beverages.
  • AAJ reserves the right to reject sponsors that have marketing with sexual or other connotations in questionable taste.
  • AAJ asks sponsors to avoid emphasis on prices and fees in marketing. Photos or art containing currency, dollar signs, ambulances, or images that may have a negative connotation for the legal profession will not be accepted.
  • AAJ will make the decision to accept continuing legal education providers as sponsors on a case-by-case basis.
  • AAJ reserves the right to reject sponsors offering products or services in direct competition with AAJ products or services.
  • All signage and communications regarding AAJ sponsorships may not include any campaigning or reference in any way to a candidacy for any AAJ office (if applicable).
  • Sponsorship with AAJ does not imply that AAJ has endorsed a particular product or service and AAJ encourages members to always conduct their own due diligence prior to choosing products and services.
  • AAJ reserves the right to reject sponsors that include in their contracts restrictions that impede access to justice such as waivers of the right to a jury trial and predispute arbitration clauses.
  • AAJ has sole discretion to deny any sponsorship should AAJ determine that the sponsorship is not in AAJ’s best interest for any reason all at the sole discretion of AAJ.
  • AAJ sponsors must comply with the AAJ Event Anti-Harassment and Safety Policy.
  • AAJ sponsorship opportunities that take place at AAJ conventions are subject to the AAJ Convention Rules and Regulations.
AAJ Business Development